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The Parish Council would like to know your views on benches in the parish.

Where do you stand

The Parish Council is consulting about its policy on village benches. 

Where should they be located?  What should they look like?  What should they be made of?  Who should pay for them? 

Have your say!

We’re clear that they shouldn’t block the footpaths to pedestrians, nor to wheelchairs, pushchairs and the like.

We’d like to see them near the end of country walks, by bus stops, near village hubs, by splendid views, whenever local conditions allow.  Any thoughts?

Should they be made of metal or of wood or of recycled plastic?

Should any new ones be funded from the Parish precept or from sponsorship?  Should commercial sponsorship be allowed?

Have your say here on the Parish Council website.

or by email to:

The consultation closes on 31st March 2022.

Your views on this are important to the Parish Council.