Latest News and Information
We are disappointed that the boundary hedges at Barwick Allotments were not cut last year.
It is now bird nesting season (since 1st March) which makes it unlawful to cut hedges at this time of year.
We hope that we can organise a cut once the bird nesting season has finished.
We apologise to all allotment plot holders, especially to those whose plots are unnecessarily shadowed as a result of this.

The Parish Council would like to hear from local contractors, who would like to register their interest to undertake work on behalf of the Parish Council. The Parish Council has to look after a number of areas of land and need contractors to cut grass, mend gates etc. Jobs are very variable from small to larger projects.
Any local contractor who would be interested in being so registered should contact the Clerk by phone on 0113 393 5861 or via email – Clerk@BarwickAndScholesPC.Org
The Scholes pavilion management committee are pleased to confirm that funding has been obtained to place a cardiac defibrillator at the new pedestrian entrance to the sports courts. This has been achieved thanks to 2 grants including one from our ward councillors Mathew Robinson, Sam Firth and Ryan Stephenson.
It is hoped to have the unit in place within the next few weeks.

Following an application to the Environment Fund for the Harewood ward we are delighted to announce that we have been awarded a £350 grant from our ward councillors (Matthew Robinson, Sam Firth & Ryan Stephenson) . This will be used for the purchase of spring bulbs and wild flower seeds for Scholes Lodge Field.
The Scholes pavilion management committee are pleased to confirm that funding has been obtained to place a cardiac defibrillator at the new pedestrian entrance to the sports courts. This has been achieved thanks to 2 grants including one from our ward councillors Mathew Robinson, Sam Firth and Ryan Stephenson.
It is hoped to have the unit in place within the next few weeks.
Ward Councillors Ryan Stephenson, Sam Firth and Matthew Robinson have provided a memorial bench for Queen Elizabeth II for each of our villages. The Scholes bench will be located near the school crossing point on Station Road.

The Post Office outreach facility at Scholes Sports Pavilion is now up and running EVERY Thursday afternoon with all Post Office facilities being available.

Please Note this is a link to an external website
WY Police
Easy Street Burglary Campaign 2021

Think about your own home. Is it inviting for all the wrong reasons?
Follow our check list to improve your home security :
- Insecure doors and windows, it’s easy to forget to lock up when you’re in a rush
- Protect your valuables inside your home by keeping them out of sight
- Check your doors and windows meet minimum security standards of PAS 24
- You can grow your own security with defensive planting such as hardy bushes and shrubs
- Internal lights and external dusk till dawn lighting can reduce the risk of being being burgled
The long awaited 20 mph zones for Barwick and Scholes is, according to our ward councillors now scheduled to come into force in May / June.