Always dial 999 in an emergency
Easy Street
Easy Street is the new West Yorkshire Police burglary advice campaign. The campaign has been developed to encourage you to think about two things : What makes it inviting for criminals to target certain properties and streets. The importance of reviewing your own home security. Follow our check list to improve your home security. -Insecure doors and windows, it’s easy to forget to lock up when you’re in a rush |
Local crime map
Residents of the parish are lucky enough to live in an area where crime levels are low and most incidents tend to be less serious in nature. Crimes do occur however (most commonly burglary and/or theft) and it is important that everyone makes an effort to both prevent and report crime.
To help understand the nature and impact of crimes, real-time information is prepared by West Yorkshire Police. You can view this information by clicking on the link below.
Neighbourhood Watch- Barwick and Scholes
Join your local Neighbourhood Watch group. Scholes re introduced a NHW scheme in 2020 and Barwick in August 2021.
More information can be found in the Local Organisations tab on this website.
Meet your PCSO
Your local Police Community Support Officer PCSO SUSAN BROADWELL is working hard to improve our local Neighbourhood Watch. Susan works closely with the Parish Council to reduce the incidence and impact of crime. Please contact Susan if:-
- You have useful information relating to a crime or potential crime.
- If you would like to be part of the Neighbourhood Watch.
- If you would like to be sent e-mails warning of criminal activity in the Parish.
- You would like to know more about the role of your local PCSO.
Reporting Anti-Social Behaviour or Noise Complaints
Click HERE for useful contact information to report anti-social behaviour or noise.
Barwick & Scholes CCTV Scheme
Does your property have a CCTV system installed? If so you may be able to help prevent crime in the Parish by joining a Police operated CCTV scheme.
How it works
1. The PCSO holds a list of all CCTV owners in the area.
2. When a crime has been committed, an E-Mail will be sent to all CCTV owners.
3. Owners will be asked to review footage around the time the crime took place.
4. If an owner sees anything suspicious, they should contact the PCSO.
5. Where appropriate, the PCSO will contact the owner to review or request the footage.
How to join
Joining the scheme is easy. Simply contact your PCSO, Geoff Nottingham, who will add your name to the list.
Crime prevention leaflets
Europrofile locks
Euro profile locks are an easy target for burglars, and yet these can be upgraded easily and cost-effectively. If your property is fitted with locks of this type you should read this leaflet.