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Health in the Parish

Within the parish there are two satellite doctors surgeries and due to the geographic locations each comes under differing Local Care Partnership (LCP’s) groups.

Barwick in Elmet surgery is a satellite of
Garforth Medical Practice.

 Elmwood Lane Surgery
Elmwood Lane
Barwick in Elmet
Leeds LS15 4JX
0113 2814950.

Covid Explained Campaign

Click HERE for details

Cross Gates Local Care Partnership – Domestic Abuse – Meeting 1st February

Click HERE for details 

Mind Matters Well-Being group – Every Tuesday

Click HERE for details

Hearing Aid Clinic – 9th March

Click HERE for details

Drop-in Vaccination Clinic At Gipton Fire Station

Click HERE for details

Drop-in session with One You Leeds

Click HERE for details

Bag a Booster Weekend

Bag a Booster Weekend is taking place at over 20 sites in Leeds this weekend for 1st, 2nd and booster doses – details can be found here: and on social media.  Sites include Trinity shopping centre, White Rose shopping centre, Kirkgate Market and Matalan (Halton Moor) 

East Leeds Extension

Click HERE for the notes of a meeting regarding healthcare held on 8th December 2021

NET Newsletter

Click HERE for the latest NET newsletter

Local Care Partnership – Public Health Winter Messages

Click HERE for information about winter messages from the Local Care Partnership.

Mental Health Peer Support

Click HERE for information about mental health peer support group drop-in cafes.
Click HERE for more information about support for victims of domestic abuse
Click HERE for the minutes of the Local Care Partnership meeting of 2nd November 2021.
Click HERE for the minutes of the Local Care Partnership meeting of 25th November 2021.
Click HERE for podiatry information
Click HERE for October 2021 Primary Care Network newsletter
Click HERE for the September 2021 linking Leeds newsletter

Scholes surgery is a satellite of
Manston Surgery.

Scholes Surgery
96 Main Street
Leeds, LS15 4DR 
0113 264 5414

Cross Gates Local Care Partnership Meeting 2nd November 2021

Project Update: Dementia Friendly Cross Gates

On the 21st September, the Dementia Friendly Cross Gates working group, with Cross Gates Good Neighbours hosted a in person drop in to share information about local support for people living with dementia, and to raise the profile of making Cross Gates Dementia Friendly. The event went very well. A video snapshot can be found here, shot and edited by Ellie:
We are now moving forward with cementing our plans to be dementia friendly by increasing awareness in the local area, starting with gathering who is already dementia friendly, and approaching local businesses and schools to increase their knowledge and awareness, as local people living dementia told us these were areas to improve.
Action for all: If you would like to be involved in this group let Kate know.
Action for all: if you know about local businesses and support or services in the area which are dementia friendly, please add to asset list or email Kate

Project Update: Population Health Management

The working group have identified their first cohort to work with to be carers of people living with dementia. The next steps are therefore to find out what matters to this cohort and then consider what we can design in terms of an intervention. To support this, the PCN are assembling a team to have these conversations with this cohort of people. Part of this conversation may include signposting to support which is already available.

Action for allIf you know about support available locally for carers please add to asset list or email Kate.

Working group update: Breast Feeding

This new working group is looking at how as an LCP, we better support uptake of breast feeding (BF) with new mums. The group met for the first-time last month, and have been looking at working together with practices, children’s centre and community groups to increase the visibility of breast feeding and champion it with new mothers. Although data shows Cross Gates isn’t the worst LCP in the city for uptake, there is always more we can do to encourage and support, and the data does reflect a decrease in the pandemic where support wasn’t as readily visible and available.

PCN will be developing BF champions, to attend some training and then confidently share best practice and info on BF. KG/Connecting Crossgates looking to start BF café as part of their offer and use the Community Hub too, along with Children’s Centre staff to really make this visible in the community.

Action for allIf you know about support available locally for new mothers or breast feeding, including breast feeding friendly places, please add to asset list or email Kate.

GP Access & Comms

Attached is the previous comms Andrea asked us to share.

Since this was shared, there has been a lot of media coverage of the NHS England winter access contract which includes additional funding for GP access to include an increase in face-to-face appointments.

GP practices in Cross Gates, Leeds and across the country have pushed back to NHS England about this because:

  • There’s been a significant locum depletion

  • Name & Shame part – not a supportive or constructive working culture

  • Still battling isolating staff and impact on workforce

  • Balance between consultation and appropriate appointment type is working well for a lot of patients, and is what current workforce can provide

  • Practices are not clear on the data used for the figures as there has been a lot of work behind the scenes on data reporting and they aren’t convinced of the link.

There are some points in the contract PCNs want to accept such as community pharmacy for minor illness and extra security measures in practices, but overall the contract also contradicts previous contracts PCNs still need to deliver on.

In the meantime, and since the last LCP meeting, Cross Gates PCN board have agreed to employ a digital workforce to support communications as practices currently do not have the capacity, or potentially skills, to make best use of their websites and social media. However this is to be recruited to still.

Feedback partners wanted to flag from patient perspectives:

  • Can voicemail/ record messages be more about what a patient can do rather than ‘do not do this’?

  • For many groups of people, ringing at 8am to get an appointment is difficult. Could there be a second chance slot in the afternoon?

  • Can call back times have a specified window? Means people will know if they have missed their call or be able to answer it more successfully hopefully.

The PCN have recently appointed a new PCN manager, and access will be one of the first things they look into. There is also a new OOH appointments service being set up at St George’s for the city, which is currently struggling with recruitment issues, but the hope is it will start to address some of the citywide demand for post 4pm appointments.

Action for all: Please share the comms messages above with people you look after in the area, and feedback to practices if you are struggling to find the right information on their websites.

Action: Andrea to add to comms attached when found out what is happening in each practice regarding telephone system/call back options; and add any metrics on demand to this so we can share figures to help demonstrate issues.

Community Hub Shop

Cross Gates & Whinmoor Community Hub went live as of Monday 1st November, with an official launch event on Thursday 4th November. Support for the utilisation of this space has been fantastic, so along with some of the activities Cross Gates Good Neighbours already offered, it means that for the foreseeable, the only bookable time left are Saturday mornings.

As some examples the hub will be holding COVID vaccinations, One You Leeds groups, Strength and Balance classes, Computer lessons, CPR classes, Breast Friends Support group, HSBC support for those who can’t online bank, bus pass queries, housing support.

Finally, details for the hub are as follows:

Tel: 07903 639879


A huge congratulations from the LCP to Cross Gates Good Neighbours for getting this operational so quickly! And thankyou for hosting our LCP meeting today.

Action for all: Drop off any posters/leaflets you’d like to promote in the shop or contact Claire via above means to discuss how to support.

Community Matters Yorkshire

Adele Reynolds-Cooper from Community Matters joined the LCP. She updated that she is attending some knife crime training from St Johns Abulance next week, and will report back on this if of interest to other partners.

Please also find some information on community spaces, as well as a training offer from Community Matters that may be of interest.

Workshop: Domestic Violence

Sunita Jhamat from the Safer Stronger Communities; Safeguarding & Domestic Violence Team; and Rachel Ainscough, Senior Development Manager in the LCP Development team working with Seacroft LCP came to talk through the approach to tackling Domestic Violence Seacroft LCP have taken.

Cross Gates LCP Strategic Planning Group agreed this would be a good approach for us to learn from and work with Seacroft on, especially as a lot of partners are part of both LCPs.

Please see slides attached.

Immediate actions you can take:

  • Support the White Ribbon event in the community hub, on the 2nd December.

Ran by the Children’s Centre. Purpose of this event is to promote the 16 days and white ribbon campaign and plan to do pledges/white crafts/ fundraising for Leeds women’s aid and possibly some craft packs for visitors to take away to do at home.

  • Get a place on the MARAC training:

Places on the next Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference Briefings(MARACs) are now available to book. Date: Tuesday 30th November 2021 09:30 am

Booking Link:

Please note: Some of the content of this course is of a sensitive nature. You may wish to use headphones/be in a private space so only those attending the course will be able to hear the themes and topics discussed. Please share this invite to professionals and colleagues who would benefit.For any questions or issues please contact:

Action: Agreed this is something to tackle as a LCP. Kate to plan with Sunita and Rachel a training offer for this LCP and space to consider how to work together as an LCP to tackle this.

Digest Messages

We are trailing a new, more inbox friendly way of sharing the LCP Digest which is usually attached to the notes from an LCP meeting. Please find the most up to date digest messages at the bottom of our home page on our website.